Aged Gouda (26 weeks +)
As it matures, Gouda becomes darker in color, firmer in texture and much tangier, with a fuller, richer flavor and a more pronounced, spicy aroma.
Aged Gouda

Aged Gouda (26 weeks +)
As it matures, Gouda becomes darker in color, firmer in texture and much tangier, with a fuller, richer flavor and a more pronounced, spicy aroma.
Mon 10 – 3
Tues 9 – 4
Wed 9 – 4
Thurs 9 – 5
Fri 9 – 4
Sat 10 – 4
Sun Closed
Call: 403-381-8488
Fax: 403-381-8472
102004 RGE RD 222
Lethbridge County,
Alberta, Canada